next:pedition 2024/25

“The Art and Practice of Co-Creating Future-Ready Organizations”: We now live in a world that is defined by exponential change and inescapable uncertainty. Current and future organizations and their leaders need to find new answers how to become responsive and thrive in dynamic complexity. Welcome to next:land!

Future-Ready Organizations?! Our world today is in the midst of a profound transformation marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). We are confronted with super-wicked problems like increasing climate change, structural inequality, technological disruption, political instability and severe conflicts all around the world. These challenges demand entirely new ways of thinking and collective action to address them effectively.

How can we as next:leaders shape organizations that are ready to face the world’s most critical challenges?

Complexity and growing uncertainty affect us all—every company, every team, every leader. The challenge is immense: Currently, we are learning the hard way that the deeply ingrained rational, analytic, and reductionist ways of thinking fall short when addressing a VUCA environment. To thrive in this evolving reality, we require a fresh framework for business and leadership. It calls for new perspectives, practices, and tools to create adaptable formats and organizational structures capable of navigating the VUCA landscape. 

It’s time to do things differently:
Deeply human. Purpose-driven. Adaptive. 
Welcome to next:land!

About the learning lab

We invite 12-16 leaders and changemakers to embark on an exploration of "next:land," a metaphorical new continent representing future-ready organizations. Together, we will journey into uncharted territories, experimenting with innovative approaches to systemic transformation and leadership, delving into both personal and organizational dimensions. At the core of this endeavor lies the profound truth that every transformative journey begins within oneself.

The learning lab addresses 2 key dimensions:

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Organizations today are called to cultivate their capabilities to respond and adapt quickly to ever-changing environments.

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Navigating uncertainty and ambiguity demands a profound human touch. It necessitates the strengthening of our internal compass, resilience to turbulence, willingness to explore the unknown, when navigating complexity. Unleashing our distinct creative potential, beyond mere intellect, emerges as a crucial element in the journey towards next:land.

The next:pedition is an action learning lab, comprising five modules designed to help you embrace uncertainty and unlock your leadership potential, as well as the potential of your organization. Here, you will learn how to co-create organizations that are future-ready, meaningful, and deeply human.

The 2 key dimensions of next:pedition

The Individual

Expand and enrich your leadership capacity to navigate dynamic complexities and create a lasting impact. Immerse yourself in out-of-comfort-zone moments, learning and growing through collaboration with fellow travelers.

Our Learning Lab's Personal Dimension encompasses:

  • Cultivating Inner Leadership: Recognize your own patterns and triggers, and learn the art of shifting them.
  • Purpose-Driven Mindset: Cultivate leadership that is purpose-driven, life-centered, and sustainable.
  • Co-Creative Leadership Practices: Experiment with approaches that unleash the creative power of individuals and organizations, enhance engagement, ownership, and agility.
  • Access Different Levels of Knowing: Harmonize rationality with creativity, emotions, and humanity to tap into unexplored potentials.
  • Navigating Uncertainty: Respond to uncertainty and complexity with a willingness to venture into the unknown, asking and holding profound and beautiful questions.
  • Storytelling: Craft and share compelling, emotionally resonant narratives to shape a collective sense of direction and bring new possibilities to life.

The Organization

Acquire knowledge, skills, and tools to shape the future of your organization! Immerse yourself in next:land ideas and seamlessly integrate them into your organizational context.

Our Learning Lab's Organizational Dimension Includes:

  • Core Principles for Future-Ready Organizations: Delve into the foundational principles shaping the DNA of next:organizations.
  • Social Systems and Transformational Insight: Uncover the power of understanding organizations as social systems and leveraging this insight for impactful transformation and change.
  • Power of Teams: Embrace diverse viewpoints, varied rhythms, and speeds to unleash the collective strength within teams.
  • Decision-Making and Impactful Meetings: Integrate powerful decision-making methods and craft innovative meeting formats for heightened impact and alignment.
  • Cultivating the Speed of Trust: Foster a culture of "psychological safety" for fearless dialogue and challenging the status quo. 
  • Organizational Transformation Dynamics: Grasp the nature and dynamics of organizational transformation, exploring tools and practices that drive meaningful change with momentum.
5 Reasons
... for you to join!
  1. Innovate Your Organization: Discover fresh approaches to shape and lead your organization toward innovation, responsiveness, and meaningful collaboration.
  2. Unlock Your Unique Creative Power beyond intellect. Develop inner leadership and a purpose-driven mindset for personal and organizational transformation.
  3. Reflect and Transform: Find supportive peers and a safe space to reflect on and transform your personal patterns for professional growth.
  4. Thrive in Complexity: Experience and apply transformative practices and tools essential for thriving in a dynamically complex world.
  5. Collaborate with Pioneers: Learn, explore, and practice alongside pioneers from various organizations in both physical and virtual settings, engaging in case work, experiments, and learning journeys.

AND: You'll have numerous opportunities to be challenged, prototype, struggle, receive feedback, reflect, learn, and, ultimately, succeed.

What participants say about their journey

Embarking on the next:pedition journey was a transformation, going beyond theoretical models: A true shift in mindset and behavior. The second module was a revelation, showing me that true change begins within oneself. As a next:leader, I've not only gained insights into innovative organizational structures but have also honed my ability to navigate challenges with a focus on sustainable, collaborative solutions. The impact is profound – I now approach leadership with a deep understanding that invites others to be part of the solution, not through power, but through shared principles.

Dr. Tim Sauber, Member of the Group Management Board, Welser Profile

than thinking yourself into a new way of acting!
Act yourself into a new way of thinking rather

As a leader you will learn that long and unstable roads await you, how much more your company has to do to answer responsibly to current change. In the next:pedition, you will feel it and understand that you do not have to get to a final finish line. You can just start starting – and learn on the way.

Anna Zarudzka, Participant next:pedition (2019/20) 
Serial Founder & Co-CEO BOLDARE

Target Audience

12 – 16 people of different organizations willing to explore the next:land practices of organizing, leadership and new ways of work.

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Experienced Leaders & Managers
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Transformation Leads & Change Makers
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... with a passion for self and organizational development

I truly valued my experience in next:pedition. Beyond a comprehensive exploration of leadership tools and organizational transformation, what stood out was the incredible collaboration within our diverse group of international managers and entrepreneurs. Witnessing the evolution of our collaboration into genuine co-creation was exceptional. Together, we successfully navigated numerous learning experiences, and gained invaluable insights, not only in a professional context but also on a deeply personal level. This journey has equipped me with knowledge and skills that I'll apply across my various management roles. Grateful for the transformative experience!

Dr. Stephan Meeder, CEO CropEnergies, designated CFO Südzucker Group

An Action Learning Lab: 5 in-person modules in 5 cities, 4 virtual learning labs.

The next:pedition is an action learning lab comprising five modules designed to help you embrace uncertainty and unlock your leadership potential, as well as the potential of your organization. Here, you will learn how to co-create organizations that are future-ready, meaningful, and deeply human. 

Are you ready for this journey? Join us on the next:pedition and explore the future of leadership and organizations.

The Modules:

Module 1 | BASE:CAMP, Italy

Gain insight into the essence of next:land, lay the foundation for a transformative learning journey, foster collaboration within the learning group, and organize teams for a successful start.

Module 2 | INNER:LEADERSHIP, Austria

Exploring my next:leadership potential: Every transformation begins within. We examine personal patterns, draw strength from ancient wisdom, and explore various levels of knowing beyond intellect. Engaging in profound dialogues, we generate insights and shift patterns in how we connect with ourselves and others.

Module 3 | NEXT:PRACTICES, The Netherlands

Crafting and leading responsive organizations: Apply next:practices through real-life case work, discovering how to seamlessly integrate next:leadership principles into the organizational transformation process.


Harvest the benefits of the visiting teams' efforts: Embark on self-organized parallel learning journeys across Europe to gain firsthand experience and insights into how next:leadership practices unfold in forerunner organizations.

Module 5 | START BY STARTING, Spain

Initiate your next:leadership journey within your organization: Apply and integrate learnings, choreograph your transition into a new paradigm, and celebrate the transformative journey!

Additional learning elements of next:pedition

  • VIRTUAL LEARNING LABS: Half-day virtual workshops dedicated to exploring a specific next:practice in more depth.
  • ALUMNI MEET-UP: Connect with other next:pedition participants and build a community that creates a difference.


Dates & Details


Modul 1

- | Italy

Virtual Learning Lab 1

Module 2

- | Austria

Virtual Learning Lab 2

Module 3

- | Amsterdam


Virtual Learning Lab 3

Module 4

- | Europe

3 days learning journey & 2 days harvesting

Virtual Learning Lab 4

Module 5

- | Barcelona
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English (Groupwork in German possible)

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12 – 16 participants

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21 days on location + 4 half-days virtually

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EUR 16.900,– (excl. VAT, incl. playbooks and all material). After Module 1 you will have the choice to opt out, if next:pedition doesn‘t fit your needs (costs for Module 1 only: EUR 3.000,–)

EUR 1.950,– for seminar packages (workshop rooms,
coffee breaks and lunch on-site).
excl. Accommodation and travel costs.

We offer 2 discounted seats for NPOs and start-ups, ask us!

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Discovery Session

Let's rewrite the future of organization: We aim to bring another colourful travel group of pionieering people from all over Europe together. Find out more in this info webinar!

Upcoming dates 2024: All details on our event-page!

Ready for the journey? Join next:pedition, our exclusive lab tailored for today's organizational challenges and leaders. Connect with us now!

@People Entry Point
Dr. Gerhard Hochreiter

gerhardatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org

“Let’s work with our revolutionary potential and
radically change the future of organization.”

Find out more

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