Gerald Mitterer, dwarfs and Giants


Gerald Mitterer

evolutionary catalyst

How do people learn? How can change succeed? What are the inner distortions that prevent us from fully developing our potential? Gerald is fascinated by finding new and deeper answers to these questions. As @Evolutionary Catalyst, he has supported organization-wide transformation processes for years, making them more meaningful, human and adaptable.

Gerald has a great interest in architecture and technology, but decided to study economics. It was there that Gerald developed his passion for constructivist and systemic theory and practice. His path led him from being a university assistant to working for a systemic consulting firm to becoming a founding member of dwarfs and Giants. 

What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • Whole-system transformation processes
  • Acting as a sparring partner and coach for board members and senior management with a strong focus on family businesses
  • Passionate about new forms of collaboration and innovative organizational designs that serve better to solve our global challenges and allow people to live up to their highest potential
  • Truly believes that development happens out of one’s comfort zone by challenging self-made limitations and perspectives

What have been your most important learning experiences? 

  • Member of the extended board (responsible for corporate culture development) at Welser Profile (Austrian SME, 2500 employees, global technology leader in roll forming)
  • Consultant for eight years at consulting firm "Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg", directing large-scale transformation and development projects in European SMEs and corporations
  • University research and teaching assistant focused on entrepreneurship, leadership, and systemic corporate development

How did you get in touch with New Work?

Experiencing the unfulfilled potential in organizations to make things happen in this world. Realizing how little of it is used to meet the global challenges of our society. Seeing how energy-draining it often is for people to spend a large time of their lives in such systems. There has to be another way! 

What was a highlight of your work for dwarfs and Giants or in a client project?

A snowy January morning at 5 a.m. and -8°C (17°F): After months of preparation, we sent a group of people out into nature for a five-hour purpose quest to answer the question about the organization’s purpose. I’ll never forget the moment when we were all standing by the fire, slowly about to get going.

Is there a quote that particularly inspires you?

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

George Addair

g [dot] mittereratdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
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