
Prototyping the future of leadership

The Art and Practice of Co-Creating Future-Ready Organizations: An insight into our next:pedition learning lab. Are you ready to unlock your leadership potential?

  • Reading Time 3 Minutes

Our world today is in the midst of a profound transformation marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).  A key to thriving in an increasingly volatile business environment is to transition from traditional leadership models of top-down control to next:leadership -  decentralized practices of collaboration, different ways of leading and decision making and building an organization based on trust, sense and respond, agility and distributed authority.

Harvesting team documenting their learning journey at the dG office in Vienna, July 2023 (c) Maria Noi

Exploring next:land – our lab 2023/24

In September, we celebrated the final module of our 3rd next:pedition Learning Lab in Barcelona. Over the course of 10 months, twelve outstanding leaders from diverse European organizations embarked on an exploration of "next:land," a metaphorical new continent for future-ready organizations. Together, we ventured into uncharted territories, experimenting with innovative approaches to organizational transformation and leadership, exploring its personal and organizational dimensions.

Final module of the learning lab at the Nest City Lab Apocapoc in Barcelona, September 2023

Our 4 key insights:

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1. Self-organization begins with self-responsibility

At the heart of it all lies the profound truth that every journey begins within oneself. Wherever our paths lead, you will always meet yourself. Our capacity to navigate complexity and uncertainty roots in our ability to confront our conditioning and manage turbulence within. Often, individual ego and power dynamics hold organizations hostage. Equipping ourselves with practices and tools to reshape these dynamics is pivotal for transformation.

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2. The Speed of Trust

In a world driven by productivity and efficiency, the importance of investing time in building trustful relationships and reinforcing Psychological Safety cannot be overstated. Amy Edmondson from Harvard Business School eloquently terms it the secret sauce behind every innovative and thriving team. Regrettably, it often slips off the agenda.

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3. Decision-Making is Key

Decision-making is a cornerstone in building a nextland organization. While many organizations default to consensus and hierarchy, our journey uncovered a treasure trove of decision-making practices: From consent-based to advice-based, and systemic consensing. Different situations call for different approaches.

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4. Questioning the Pyramid

Pyramidical structures tempt leaders to provide answers, offer direction, and exhibit certainty. However, we've learned that holding questions, rather than rushing to answers, is essential to interrupt the autopilot, allow newness and effect transformation and growth.

12 next:travellers completed the 3rd learning lab next:pedition (c) Maria Noi

We express our deep appreciation for the open-heartedness and courage displayed by our fellow journeyers. Together, we have experienced a remarkable journey of learning and growing that has ignited our enthusiasm to continue this impactful work.

Join the journey 2024/25!

We invite 16 leaders and changemakers to embark on an exploration of "next:land," a metaphorical new continent representing the different qualities and practices of future-ready organizations. You will learn and apply next:leadership capabilities - personal and organizational. Together, we will journey into uncharted territories, experimenting with innovative approaches to systemic transformation and leadership, delving into both personal and organizational dimensions. At the core of this endeavor lies the profound truth that every transformative journey begins within oneself.

Reflection walk: An individual reflection tool (c) Maria Noi

An Action learning Lab: 5 modules in 5 cities

The next:pedition is an action learning lab compromising five modules designed to help you embrace uncertainty and unlock your leadership potential, as well as the potential of your organization. Here, you will learn how to co-create organizations that are future-ready, meaningful, and deeply human. We will be and make use of the spirit and qualities of different places - like Vienna/Austria, Barcelona/Spain, Torino/Italy.

Are you ready for this journey? Join us on the next:pedition and explore the future of leadership and organizations. Our next cohort of organizational pioneers sets sail in June 11-14, 2024. Get in touch with our guides Gerald Mitterer & Gerhard Hochreiter if you want to explore next:leadership first hand!

Find out more

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