
Cancellation Policy for Events

Event Ticket Cancellation, Refund and Transfer Policy

Cancellation or Changes by the Participant(s)

Discounted seats are non-refundable. Regular seats can be cancelled for the following fee:

30+ days prior to the event – 25% refund fee
30 days or less – no refund

Transfer of a registration to another person:

5+ days prior to the event – you can transfer your registration to another person (for the same event) at no cost
4 days or less – you cannot transfer your registration

Changing the date of a training:

20+ days prior to the event – you can switch to a later date of the same event format without any refund fee.
To transfer the registration to another person or to cancel your registration, please contact our Public Event Interface at events [at] dwarfsandgiants.org (events[at]dwarfsandgiants[dot]org)
A certificate of participation can only be issued after full participation on all corresponding attendance days of the event.

Cancellation by the Organizer or Host

dwarfs and Giants is entitled to cancel the event and thus terminate the contractual relationship if one or more of the following reasons occur:

  • insufficient number of participants to allow for a qualitative learning context (minimum number for Holacracy Introductory Workshops: 8 people, minimum number for Holacracy Practitioner Trainings: 21 people);
  • the trainer is prevented from attending for health reasons;
  • the event endangers a smooth operation of the business;
  • for safety reasons.

In case of cancellation by the organizer, we will refund the ticket price in full as soon as possible. Alternatively, depending on availability, we also offer participation in the same or a similar event at a different date. It is also possible to issue a credit in the amount of the ticket price of the corresponding category for a different training by arrangement. In case of a refund, we will transmit the paid ticket by bank transfer. However, in exceptional cases we reserve the right to use a different method.
We will not be liable for any losses or costs (e.g. travel or accommodation) incurred as a result of such a cancellation.

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