Stefan Faatz-Ferstl, dwarfs and Giants

(c) Maria Noi

Stefan Faatz-Ferstl

ecosystem partner

Stefan has a degree in civil engineering, but he has spent the past ten years as an organizational developer in the fields of self-organization, agility, and new organizational forms. As a “dwarf” of the first hour, he helped build up the organization. Today, he is in the process of starting a cooperative called soiful, which aims to change the food system by focusing more on community-oriented local vegetable production.

What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • Working on improving the purpose of an organization 
  • Alternative types of knowledge beyond the intellect (systemic structural constellations, Theory U, nature quests, mindfulness)
  • Innovation topics
  • Self-organization (Holacracy, agile methods)

What issues are on your mind in terms of organizational development? 

What contribution can organizational development make to the current crises in our society? How can organizational development help to bring more people in touch with nature?

How did you get in touch with New Work?

In 2013, I had the pleasure of meeting Frederic Laloux at a conference in Vienna. His work and attitude totally inspired me. For the first time, I got answers on how to deal differently with power in an organization. This made me give up my focus on the construction industry from one day to the next and dedicate myself completely to this topic.

Is there a quote that particularly inspires you?

I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.

(Pippi Langstrumpf)​​​​​​

s [dot] faatz-ferstlatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
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