(c) Martina Siebenhandl
Valerie Schneglberger
In 2016 Valerie first learned about Holacracy and has since been shaping transformation processes toward self-organization, agility, and a new culture of collaboration with dwarfs and Giants. Her focus is on inviting people to contribute their full potential.
After graduating in commercial sciences with a focus on business management from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Valerie entered the world of corporate business. As an executive in the telecommunications sector, she was able to expand her knowledge with systemic organizational development, solution-focused coaching, conflict management, and structural constellations. After taking time out on the Way of St. James and starting her own family, she became self-employed as a consultant and supported teams, managers and organizations in change processes.
What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?
- Transformation processes – systemic & solution-oriented with an agile mindset
- Development and implementation of agile organizational designs
- Self-organization like with Holacracy or with aspects of it, such as role clarity and decision-making
What have been your most important learning experiences?
Plans are terrific! They provide a sense of security and orientation. But even more important is to drop them again, and to decide quickly what is appropriate right now. To do this, I need to be able to perceive very quickly what is in me and around me – and then take the next step.
How did you get in touch with New Work?
“Wow, I never thought of it that way!” – was my conclusion after my first German Holacracy practitioner training. This practice of self-organization combined a lot of things for me that had already been very important to me in my leadership role: role clarity, addressing things, clear rules, processes – now in an explicit way. After this experience I knew I would never want to leave this next:land again but continue speaking its language! So I talked to Matthias Lang, and it quickly became clear that a cooperation with dwarfs and Giants was born. Since then, I have been hooked and involved in various transformation projects – struggling at the same time for a balance between work and family.