A better work is possible. Transform the organization you 
have into the organization you always wished you had 
(but didn't think was realistic).

All this agile purpose self-organization stuff sounds great in theory. But this is why it would never work in my organization. Sound familiar? We believe that every organization that feels a responsibility to its employees, its clients and the next generations has all the resources it needs to work in a much more elegant, creative and joyful way. It just takes the right way to go about uncovering this dormant potential. Based on vision, touching hearts and minds, but in digestible, implementable steps. 

We are an organizational test lab and consulting firm, experimenting with all the cutting-edge practices of new ways of working and translating them so that your organization can use them today. 

What sparks your curiosity today?

Our Process

A lot has been written about how different organizations reinvent themselves. So how do you know which path is the right one for you? From our experience of helping client organizations large and small find their path, and in our own internal experiments as an organizational innovation lab, we know that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. 

But the best approaches tend to follow similar principles: Purpose, Transparency, Distributing Authority, more Autonomy with more Collaboration and Evolutionary Learning.

So even though every organization needs to find its own path, the direction seems to be similar. And wherever you are on that journey, whether you are a self-organization pioneer looking for a better conflict resolution system or an SME looking to rethink your silo structures or your approach to strategy, there’s always a workable next step into a better direction.

A better work is possible! A better work is possible!
A better work is possible! A better work is possible!

dG have and had a lasting impact on our organization in many initiatives during the years. They supported us with excellent facilitation, leadership development, vision and strategy development, as well as mentoring/coaching. With their experience, ideas and methods, dG always had an answer to our challenges.

Veerle Penders, beneo Connect Core Team & Head of Human Resources

dwarfs and Giants set up the process to enable better collaboration across silo boundaries. The tandem of internal and external organizational developers was very helpful for our challenges.

Julia Haberbosch, Senior Manager Organizational Development at Vetter Pharma

For us, dwarfs and Giants was a source of knowledge, perspective, ideas, and also a support on a personal level. This gave us a wide range of knowledge (systemic organizational development, agile expertise, etc.) and we still retained process sovereignty.

Ivana Federmayer, Transformation Master at eprimo GmbH

By having dwarfs and Giants supporting our process, we were able to prevent a lot of friction – most of all in crucial phrases – and be more efficient in our Holacracy implementation.

Daniel Sieder, Executive Chairman of ONTEC AG

For us, the topic of organizational development is something that we are actively shaping – it simply needs it. This insight has grown through working with dwarfs and Giants. Their experience and methodology was totally effective in holding a mirror up to us. Working together, we have also developed a language of how we want to reflect and live leadership.

Bjoern Struewer, Founder & CEO, Roots of Impact GmbH

dwarfs and Giants is a serious partner willing to confront us where necessary to help us achieve our goals. We relied strongly on that.

Walerich Berger, Managing Director of Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH 

A comprehensive transformation needs to be accompanied on many levels – people, structure, behavior, culture. With dwarfs and Giants, we always have a people-oriented and uncomplicated partner with a wide range of skills.

Roland Peterseil, People, Culture & Structure – KEBA Group

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